Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What am I learning?

This experience has been very humbling! I came from internship in Wilmington feeling confident… not that I had everything figured out by any means, but definitely was excited about moving forward as a teacher. The experience here has been challenging. It has made me think really hard. It has shown me that I have so much room to grow and so much more to learn. It has taught me that consistency is really important. I am seeing here in the schools that the teachers have rules in place, but there in not much consistently in the consequences. I have learned that behavior change takes time and effort. As a teacher, it shows me the importance of establishing expectations from the start, and keeping with them. I think through expectations and consistently, I am able to demonstrate to my students that I care about them and their success in school. 

I have also learned the importance of valuing time with students. In the schools here, I have had more time to spend with the students outside of the classroom. Whether that is playing soccer or just sitting with them talking, it has been neat to be able to develop a relationship with the students. As a teacher, I think when you understand your students, you have more leverage to relate to them and be aware of what is going on in their lives. This is something I definitely want to take back to the students… whether that is talking to students before school starts, eating lunch with them, or throughout their breaks during the day. I know that my schedule will be packed when I am a teacher, but I think knowing your students is the most important thing you can do as a teacher. 

I am loving this experience, and all that it is teaching me! It is teaching me that I do not have it all figured out for sure, but is also a reminder that I probably will never have it all figure out. I think in anything we do we always have more room to grow. It has made me thankful for the schooling and experiences I have had so far that have helped me be successful here, and the ways this experience is shaping me as an educator and person. 

And at the end of the day, these sweet faces are so worth it! 

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