Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Full Circle Project

During my internship, I have been working on a Full Circle Project to connect my experience in Wilmington to my experience here in Belize. During my time at Gregory in Wilmington, we learned about Belize. The students learned about the schools here, and we talked about the similarities and differences of their school and the school here. The students also wrote letters to the students here introducing themselves, telling the students what they learned about Belize, and questions they have for the Belizean students. 

Yesterday, I showed the students the scrapbook of the letters. It was so neat to read through the letters, and find things the students in Belize have in common with the students in Wilmington. It shows the students how they can relate to each other while also learning about students in a different culture. 

This experience has been incredibly beneficial for me as an educator, but it is now showing me how it is affecting the students I am teaching here and the students I will return to in Wilmington. Both groups of students will learn from each other, while understanding what life is like in a different part of the world. 

….And since we were talking about North Carolina, we, of course, had to discuss the Carolina Panthers! My students at Gregory loved everything Panthers and Cam Newton, so they made it really clear that the dab had to be introduced to the students here at New Horizon School. 

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