Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Two Weeks?!

I cannot believe that we only have two more weeks here in Belize… the time has flown by! Even though it has gone really quickly, I feel like we have been able to accomplish a lot and build relationships while we have been here.

For the next two weeks, I really want to focus on equipping the teachers and students with strategies they can continue after we leave. If I do not do this, then what I did while I was here will quickly fade after we leave. One of the things we have been working on is behavior management for one of the classrooms. She has many students who have off task behaviors that impede on the whole group’s learning. We introduced a whole class positive behavior strategy, and we are going to begin to implement it this week. I want her to be confident in using it by the time we leave, so she is able to see the benefit from using this system. 

I also want to show teachers simple ways they can include students who are academically lower than the majority of their class. Instead of giving the students an unrelated task like coloring or drawing, I want to encourage teachers to give the students a modified activity that still engages the student in the fundamental skill they are working on. I understand after being here for a couple of weeks that it is hard to manage a class with thirty to forty different students, but I think they can make small accommodations to ensure every student is learning and growing. 

I also want to helpful in whatever way possible. I know, realistically, that everything that is happening now is not going to continue after we leave because of the lack of special education. I do know that by helping the teachers during this time has been a relief in some ways for them. Their days are busy (and hot!), and if we have helped to make them a little less busy or stressful, I think that has been a way we have impacted our schools while being here. 

I  want to continue to be involved in the community in whatever way possible. I have loved living here for the past month, and getting to know the people of San Pedro. I have enjoyed learning about their lifestyle. The people and students are teaching me way more than I feel like I could ever teach them. I am so thankful for this opportunity, and how everyone has been so inviting and welcoming. I will definitely leave a chunk of my heart here in San Pedro

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