Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Next Stop: Belize!

I am currently in route to Belize, and I am so excited for my time there! I am looking forward to meeting the people, understanding the culture, and getting to teach in a new place. I am most excited about teaching abroad. This has been a dream of mine, and it is something I have wanted to do for a while. I am excited to learn through my time in Belize, if this is something I could see myself doing. I am eager to live there, and to understand what life is like in San Pedro. I want to get involved in the community, and have a true understanding of what life is like there. I feel like this will help me relate to the students I teach, and have a better appreciation for where I will be living for the next five weeks. I think the biggest challenge will be teaching immediately after meeting the students and teachers we will be working with. This challenge will be one of the ways I grow the most during my time in Belize. I can't wait to be there and begin teaching! 

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