Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Down Time in Belize

I am sitting in the Houston airport, and I am really starting to process my time in San Pedro. I just spent the last five days with my family relaxing and showing them a little bit of my experience. I loved being able to walk around and know places and people. We got to visit New Horizon on Tuesday, and that was really sweet! I walked into one of the classrooms, and got tackled with hugs. It brought tears to my eyes. I think that I was definitely able to help in different ways during my time there, but in that moment I realized how much these students and teachers had blessed me. I left feeling so appreciated and loved. I felt that they gave me just as much (or more) than I had given them.

I am thankful for what this experience taught me as an educator. It taught me to be firm in expectations, consistent in what you say, be understanding, and always extend love or an extra hug. I think if these things are in place, then the academic side of school will follow. I am excited to begin my teaching career wherever that may be with this experience under my belt. I can never fully express the gratitude I have for this time and all that it meant to me and will continue to as I process through it. This is definitely a 6 weeks I will never forget!